Workplace wellness activities

Your energy levels can be influenced by so many different things. Stress levels, the foods you eat, physical activity, socialising, and how much sleep you get all contribute to how you feel throughout the day. Try these small activities to boost energy and improve your overall wellbeing.

Hydrate: Dehydration can negatively impact energy levels and increase feelings of fatigue. Start each day with a glass of water and a goal of drinking eight glasses throughout the day (more if you exercise or live in a hot climate).

• Not sure if you’re hitting your goal? Track it! Start a note in your phone, use an app, or manually check off each glass of water you drink.

Morning positivity practice: Stress and negativity can take a toll on one’s mental health and can zap energy levels. If you can’t start your day with a stress management technique like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises, try this:

• Place a notebook and pen next to your bed before you fall asleep. Right after your alarm goes off, write down one thing you’re looking forward to doing today.

Breakfast preparation: The hardest thing about eating a healthy breakfast is having the time to prep it. Try a make-ahead meal that focuses on the five food groups — fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy

— for more energy throughout the day, Try:

• Yoghurt with fresh fruit and nuts

• Porridge with chia seeds

• Boiled eggs with cooked spinach

Try a smaller lunch: Instead of a large meal, eat a smaller lunch with an afternoon snack, which has been shown to fight afternoon fatigue. Including healthy unsaturated fats and whole grains can also give the body sustained energy.

Lunchtime learning: Learning something new can break up your daily routine and may improve the ability to cope with stress throughout the day. Choose an article, invite some colleagues to read it, and discuss what you learned over lunch!

Break it up: You may have heard it before, but taking frequent breaks is a surefire way to keep your energy levels up. Leave your electronics behind and go for a walk, which can boost energy levels and reduce fatigue, or simply stand up and stretch.

Plan your exercise: A routine is important, and scheduling physical activity can help combat the common exercise excuse of not having enough time. Exercising can actually boost energy, and moderate-intensity exercise like walking can help those with chronic insomnia fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Take five minutes during your lunch break to schedule your activity for the day — your mind and body will thank you!

Avoid the after-work slump: Right when you get home, put on a favourite song and put your things away while it plays. You’ll be more organised for the next day, and the music will put a little pep in your step!

Make dinner count: Dinnertime should be a revitalising time.

Here’s how:

• Aim to finish eating 2-3 hours before bedtime for better sleep.

• Incorporate lean protein, dark leafy greens, whole grains and other nutrient-dense foods to replenish your body’s energy stores.

• Make it mindful: whether you’re dining solo or with friends or family, put the phones away and turn off the TV. Mindful eating can prevent you from overeating, which can reduce your energy levels after a meal.

Creative colouring time: Want to get a great night’s sleep and wake up feeling refreshed? Watching your favourite show before bed may sound like the most relaxing activity, but time away from the blue light of a TV, computer, or phone screen helps your body wind down for bed. If reading isn’t your thing, spend some time filling in the pages of a colouring book for adults or listen to relaxing music.