More does not always mean better

In a business, it is not uncommon for employees to take on many and varied roles at the one time and juggling many tasks, sometimes requiring long days and hours.

Overworking employees might not be the best approach to growing your business says Leslie Tarnacki, vice president and general manager of Human Resources, WorkForce Software (WFS Australia).

Fatigued employees are a risk in the workplace. Reducing presenteeism is something we should all look at but by overloading employees this can create underproductive and even dangerous situations.

Reduced alertness due to fatigue results in nearly 10,000 serious workplace injuries in Australia each year, according to Monash University’s Cooperative Research Centre for Alertness, Safety and Productivity.

Businesses need to recognise the signs of fatigued employees and how to implement strategies to reduce their workload to provide them with tools to create better productivity and greater balance.

Tarnacki said, “Many employees keep quiet about feeling overworked and overwhelmed. Leaders that can spot those fatigued workers can address the issue before it gets out of hand.”

Look out for and be aware of these five key warning signs of employee fatigue:
1. Unusual emotion
Be aware of employees acting out of character, such as showing emotional distress, moodiness, or having a bad attitude in the workplace.

2. Consistent lateness
Some employees will run late in every aspect of their lives out of bad habit. However if a normally-punctual employee arrives late to work every morning, it can indicate poor work-life balance.

3. A cluttered workspace
Pay attention to employees’ desk and work stations. While some people prefer a more chaotic environment, a messy workspace can be a symptom of overwork.

4. Forgetfulness and disregard for the team at large
Ongoing forgetfulness can affects an entire team. It can waste other employees’ time and hinder their performance. It can also be a sign that the employee in question has too many things to think about and isn’t on top of their workload.

5. Productivity dips despite longer hours
The more hours you work, the less you get done. Productivity often decreases the longer employees spend at work. Law of diminishing returns.

Research by The Australian Institute shows that one third of Australians do not take their allocated annual leave. It is important that businesses keep track of employees’ time-off entitlements and ensure they take adequate leave. This can help boost business productivity and staff morale.

Tarnacki said, “Business leaders should ask potentially fatigued employees explicit questions, such as ‘Do you have too much on your plate?’ From here they can review their workloads and make necessary adjustments.

Investing in software programs can assist with solving these problems as well as implementing a health and wellness program which will help to prevent workplace fatigue, and protect both employees welfare and the business’s bottom line.