Corporate Fitness Brisbane

Corporate Fitness Brisbane

Corporate fitness in Brisbane workplaces is one of the best ways to increase staff morale and productivity. In the past, companies have seen a return of between $1 and $10 for every $1 spent on corporate health and fitness. The average return is $3.14 for every $1 spent.

Research into corporate health programs has shown that regular health and fitness programs in the workplace can increase the health and well-being of employees, resulting in better productivity and less days off.

Implementing workplace fitness programs to your Brisbane workplace will also improve your staff retention rate. In fact, a recent study showed that workplaces who did not implement health and fitness programs were four times more likely to lose talent than those who did over a twelve month period.

Corporate fitness can also reduce the risk of workplace injury. Healthy workers are less stressed, sleep better and have more energy. A fitness program can also assist you in managing current worker’s compensation claims, or help in managing an ageing workforce.

Corporate fitness in your Brisbane business will help you to be seen as a desirable employer, attracting better talent in the future. It will also help to improve your corporate image.

Corporate Fitness Programs

Corporate fitness programs in Brisbane can help you achieve results for your employees and boost your productivity. We offer a range of programs, and can also tailor something to fit in with your needs.

Group exercise classes work well in workplaces, particularly if you have staff at differing fitness levels. A class can take place before or after work, or even on a lunch break. We can also run indoor class’s onsite for your workplace.

A regular group fitness class will improve staff interaction and is a great way to build a strong team. After a class, staff will return to work feeling invigorated and full of energy. As a result they are more productive.

There are also benefits of corporate fitness that are experienced in the longer term. Employees are likely to be happier at their job and less likely to have time off sick. With better fitness and health, they have a lowered risk of cardiovascular disease or diabetes. They also experience lowered stress levels.

Some of the Brisbane group fitness classes on offer include boxing, yoga, Pilates, outdoor bootcamp, circuit training, tai chi, zumba, and kettlebell training.

Another great idea is a corporate challenge. These usually run over a twelve week period and are a great way to get your staff to focus on their health and fitness.

Our other corporate fitness programs in Brisbane include on site health assessments, and corporate desk massage. Both of these programs complement a group exercise program well.

Employees are the most valuable asset that a company has. A corporate fitness program for your Brisbane workplace is one of the greatest business investments you can make.

To find out more about a fitness program for your workplace call us on 1300 177 119 or